Dancert is accredited by DANAK within the following certifications:
Quality - SYSTEM Reg. no. 5004
- Certification of quality management systems
Environment - SYSTEM Reg. no 6004
- Certification of environmental management systems
Product certification - PROD Reg. no. 7001
- Construction products: Sand, stone and concrete products, constituent materials, masonry, thermal insulation and mineral wool products, execution of steel and aluminium structures, timber structures
- ISO 3834: Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials
- Windows and outer doors, Hardened glass, tempered glass and panes
- Burglar resistant products
- ATEX-directive - equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
- MD Directive, machinery
- PED Directive, pressure equipment
- DK-VAND - Certification of products for drinking water supply
Certification of persons - PERSON Reg. no. 3013
- Personal certification - Structural engineers
Outside its accreditations, Dancert certifies:
- Plastic pipe systems: INSTA-CERT
- Personal certification - Innovation Managers
- Personal certification - Energy Managers
- Personal certification - Design Thinkers
- Playground surfacing
- Third-party Approval of Quality Management Systems for Electrical Systems