The two key requirements always expected of a certification body are IMPARTIALITY and COMPETENCE.
IMPARTIALITY means that the certification body and the people assessing whether a company or person meets the certification requirements must be independent of the company or person and not have any form of self interest in the company or person.
DANCERT fully understands the importance of impartiality in certification and has therefore introduced internal rules and procedures to ensure that any potential conflicts of interest are identified and handled in such a way that the people involved in assessing companies and persons are independent and can act objectively.
Dancert's senior employee is responsible for ensuring that these rules and procedures are followed, and Dancert's certification committee monitors compliance with the impartiality requirement.
COMPETENCE means that the certification body and the people, who assess whether a company or person meets the certification requirements, have sufficient insight into the processes and rules applicable to the area.
Through its links with the Danish Technological Institute, DANCERT ensures that personnel have a high level of competence and that this competence is constantly maintained and improved.